Intuitive Tattoo Ceremony

What to expect in an Intuitive Tattoo Ceremony?

(Please read in full before booking)

My Intuitive tattoo ceremonies are markings that are channelled into this physical realm with deep intention, medicine & symbolism, and offered in deep ceremony. I have been offering tattoos in this way for over 7 years now- where the potency of this work is still constantly revealing itself. Where within this realm of work there is a constant nudge to evolve and transform along with this work, thus along with the way I offer these ceremonies, thus no two ceremonies will ever look the same, which makes it hard to articulate in words just how deeply profound they are.

The tattoos I offer are machine tattoos, often with small handpoked portals, and each tool that is used amongst these initiations are treated as sacred tools- medicine tools that assist me in bringing this medicine into this physical plane. Each dot, each line, a sacred blood ritual, a living prayer that exists in realms far beyond this physical plane- honouring the potency in penetrating both the skin and the aura- weaving in a tapestry of deep remembering and awakening for the wearer.

The tattoos are infused with intentions to assist each client on their spiritual journey and evolution- often with a few messages that come through and with a written energy reading/ scroll that coincides with the medicine & symbolism within the piece and the messages they hold, guiding my client through downloading each element of the piece and why it is here for them.

Once the design is channelled, I fine tune and add anything the client may wish to add, not always necessary, but I do want you to know that this is an option. Sometimes my client won’t be aware of where they want the tattoo, so I allow intuitive guidance to guide me towards where the tattoo may go, based on certain energy channels, meridians and what the tattoo is being called to do. Some people ask to be blindfolded throughout the whole ceremony, where the tattoo is revealed once it has been marked on the skin- I admire the trust that is placed upon me throughout these journeys, so I do not take it lightly when the blindfolded is requested. Often, my client will decide where the tattoo will go only once they have seen the piece, and often it is the tattoo that chooses where it needs to go. You can never get it wrong. Each area of the body holds certain metaphysics & energy & this is all discussed in the session.

Where the tattoo is placed is important, as this also affects the integration process and the healing of the tattoo, which is why I offer integration support for clients. Tattoos act as healing portals and will accelerate the healing of the area and energy channel it is placed on within the body. The body holds so much information & where the tattoo goes affects so much metaphysically. I will guide you more deeply into understanding this and working with this after you have received your piece.

I thank every soul who unites in this ancient practice with me, who instills trust upon me to weave apart of their story into this physical plane. As always, it takes an incredible amount of time for the waitlist to be tended to, and I thank each and every one of you for your patience in receiving this work, knowing it will always align just when it is meant to.


Once the design is complete- it is intentionally activated, weaved with the intentions that come through, as well as any intentions the client wishes to call in. We call in various elements, & the presence of your ancestors & spirit team, a divine entourage of benevolent energies & light to hold & guide us through the journey & remain within the marking so long as it exists. We use vibrational essences, liquid crystals, & the ink is also vibrationally charged & aligned with certain energies- all weaving together to create a sacred marking that continues to work with each individuals unique energy signature. All of my tools are treated as sentient energies, continuously cleansed & charged to ensure each session is opened with only the purest energies & intentions. This is an alchemical process- this process is sacred.


How To Prepare

If you are booking in or receiving an intuitive tattoo, It is important for you to consider your own intentions you want to bring into the session. Think about where you would like to align towards, things you want to let go of and heal from, and things you want to harness and call forth.

We will begin the ceremony with a guided journey to anchor in these intentions, connecting with the sacred fire that assists in infusing our prayers to life. All that unfolds within ceremony will never be revealed as it is always so unique to each person, and this process is sacred to you and you alone.

Honouring the Integration

These tattoos aren’t like getting regular tattoos, and you will experience an integration process. This process begins the moment you make the decision to receive the tattoo right through to when you are receiving the tattoo, and can often amplify and heighten right after you have received the tattoo. Just like all medicine ceremonies, preparing energetically & physically for both before & after you receive your tattoo medicine is vital for a more easeful integration. Clear mind, clear body, clear spirit, being mindful of all you are consuming leading up to your ceremony and beyond.

It is because of this that I strongly recommend that you make the space to integrate after your tattoo. That means not planning any events and giving yourself some space in the afternoon, evening and the following days after the tattoo, to go slow, take some time for yourself and be fully present in your process, truly witnessing what may be arising for you and moving through you as a result of your session.

This is a vital time for self reflection and honouring your self and your process of healing.

Through your integration process I am available for connection through phone calls or emails to check in with you and assist you with anything that may be coming up for you. This is my promise to you. Alternatively, if you wish to go deeper into your integration I am offering 1:1 deepening calls.

Prior to your tattoo, you must eat well, refrain from alcohol, substances or anything that may hinder your full presense. Do not get sunburnt, take extra care of your skin & body, & sit to do some journaling or your own intention setting.




If you sign up to my mailing list & follow me on Instagram, I often post last minute spaces as well as one of pieces I want to do~ & will also be releasing more tattoo tickets!