1:1 Tattoo Integration Calls

Who you are on the other side of receiving a new marking is not yet known. There is a process of awakening, self reflection and ultimately a “getting to know yourself” period that some may need a little support with. This offering is not only for clients who have received a new marking from me, but also for others who have received markings elsewhere who would love to gain support through integrating their marking.

If there is anything arising for you that you wish to debrief so that you may understand your process deeper, with tools and insights to allow you to move through your integration with more ease, a 1:1 integration may be just what you need. If you would like this, please reach out personally or you can click on the link below to enquire and book a suitable time.

The Integration

Receiving a sacred marking is not like getting a regular tattoo, and you will experience an integration process. Your process begins the moment you make the decision to receive the tattoo right through to when you are receiving the tattoo, and can often amplify and heighten right after you have received the tattoo. Just like all medicine ceremonies, preparing energetically & physically for both before & after you receive your tattoo medicine is vital for a more easeful integration. Clear mind, clear body, clear spirit, being mindful of all you are consuming leading up to your ceremony and beyond.

It is because of this that I strongly recommend that you make the space to integrate after your tattoo. That means not planning any events and giving yourself some space in the afternoon, evening and the following days after the tattoo, to go slow, take some time for yourself and be fully present in your process, truly witnessing what may be arising for you and moving through you as a result of your session.

This is a vital time for self reflection and honouring your self and your process of healing.

Through your integration process I am available for connection through phone calls or emails to check in with you and assist you with anything that may be coming up for you. This is my promise to you and I encourage you to honour your needs and your worthiness of receiving and reach out, should anything be arising that you wish to discuss.

Prior to your tattoo, you must eat well, refrain from alcohol, substances or anything that may hinder your full presense. Do not get sunburnt, take extra care of your skin & body, & sit to do some journaling or your own intention setting.

Oceans of Love

